Concerned for a Dear Friend….?

Question by Mandi E: Concerned for a dear friend….?
A very close friend of mine abused Vicodin for nearly 4 years, taking up to 15 pills a day. He has been clean now for over a year but I’m concerned about what kind of damage he has done to himself. Like lately he’s complained of some heart pain and he has stomache problems. What are the dangers of long term Vicodin abuse. Oh and my friend…..he’s only 22. I’m very scared for him.

Best answer:

Answer by Dee
He simply needs to make a doctors appointment and let the doctor decide.

Some of what you describe could be as simple as stress reactions.

It is nice of you to be concerned. Ultimately though, your friend is responsible for his own health.

Answer by rachelsusan
Prescription drugs are often an unmentioned area of addiction, though are just as threatening as crack cocaine or heroin.
Hydrocodone (generic name: Vicodin) is commonly prescribed legitimately. Make no mistake ? Hydrocodone is a mood-altering drug and chronic addiction is very common

Hydrocodone produces a mild sense of euphoria, relaxing the mind, body and spirit while relieving pain.
The addiction lasts longer than the prescription and several things occur ? prescription shopping or illicit sales, all the while the addiction continues to tighten its hold on the addict.
Hydrocodone affects the way the brain works ? and finally the body hears the message that it cannot function without the drug. Dependency on the drug becomes addiction, and severe withdrawal symptoms can and do occur when the drug level dissipate in the body.
Recovery from Hydrocodone addiction can and do occur. Long-lasting effects of Hydrocodone use include renal and liver damage, gastrointestinal complications, blood pressure problems and chronic constipation.
Many become addicted to this class of drugs following a legitimate prescription following an accident or surgery. Addiction begins, and the cycle of taking the pills to answer the addiction follows. ?I take the pill?I feel good!? we hear the addicted say. It?s this connection that leads to addiction. Thus, the cycle of craving, use and then regret begin to become the new ?normal?.
Life becomes more and more unmanageable. The things lost become more important & valuable.
For many who have become addicted to Hydrocodone, a medically supervised detox is imperative, as going ?cold turkey? can be very dangerous.

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