south carolina

How Much Does It Cost to Take Care of a Meth Baby Weather Its Hospital Bills or Medications?

...  brianbelottithirty prominent doctors, scientists, and psychological researchers have signed an open letter urging the mass media to stop using terms such as “crack baby” and “crack addicted baby,” as well as similar terms, such as “ice baby” and “meth… Continue reading

Could Somebody Please Help Tell Me How to Feed My Snake?

...  other than that species whose overall length and size are larger than corns will require larger enclosures and larger prey. Natural History Corns are commonly found in deciduous forests, pine barrens, rocky hillsides and farm areas over a broad… Continue reading

How Much Can Drugs Harm a Baby During the First Month of Pregnancy?

...  and amphetamines while pregnant. Moreover, in recent years at least 17 states have enacted civil laws making it possible for authorities to take away the children of pregnant women who test positive for drugs. The Ohio Supreme Court may… Continue reading