extreme fatigue

What Are the Withdrawl Symptoms From Crack ?

...  and avoid the intense “crash” or depression that follows their high. They become physically and psychologically dependent on crack , which often is a result of only a few doses taken within a few days. This dependence on crack… Continue reading

Any Information on Adderall Abuse?

...  by Amb: Any information on adderall abuse? Best answer: Answer by JimmyIt’s an amphetamine (like crystal meth / speed) just so you know… “Tolerance, extreme psychological dependence, and severe social disability can occur when amphetamines are abused. The manufacturer… Continue reading

Withdrawal Symptoms From Cocaine: Cocaine – Facts About a Highly Addictive Drug, Life Threatening Side Effects and Recovery Challenges

...  the crackling sound it makes as it is smoked. Crack cocaine has a lower vaporization temperature and can be smoked easily. This explains why these “rocks” are so addicting. Approximately 25 million people in the United States use cocaine… Continue reading

Why Won’t My Dr Prescribe Me Pain Med. Such as Codeine or Hydrocodone for My Bulging Discs and Pinched Nerves?

...  to tramadol, worked for the pain but made me sick. Then onto nortriptiline, an antidepressant that’s supposedly good for back pain. Only effect that had was constant sleeping, it was like living in a fog and no relief from… Continue reading

Why Won’t My Dr Prescribe Me Pain Med. Such as Codeine or Hydrocodone for My Bulging Discs and Pinched Nerves?

...  to tramadol, worked for the pain but made me sick. Then onto nortriptiline, an antidepressant that’s supposedly good for back pain. Only effect that had was constant sleeping, it was like living in a fog and no relief from… Continue reading

Crack Cocaine Scratching

...  Can Be Used To Explain The …The women were feverishly scratching the surfaces of their lottery tickets to see if they had a winning number. I know where a wonderful parent became addicted to video machine gambling – the… Continue reading