Rob Ford Ticketed by Police in British Columbia for Jaywalking

Rob Ford ticketed by police in British Columbia for jaywalking
He has admitted to having used crack cocaine and buying marijuana since he was elected as leader of Canada's largest city in 2010. The incident also comes less than two weeks after the YouTube release of a video showing Ford impaired at an Etobicoke … Read more on Toronto Star

Selling cocaine nets nearly 28 years
Antquint L. Cox, 33, of 132 Woodrow Drive received the sentence on charges of possession of crack cocaine with intent to deliver and possession of a firearm during a drug-trafficking crime. Senior U.S. District Judge Joe McDade sentenced him to 26 … Read more on Peoria Journal Star

Lorain blotter: Two women charged with drug possession after traffic stop
8:55 p.m. Jan. 28 — McDonald's, 1725 Henderson Dr., Dawn Cassidy, 39, 3700 block Temple Ave., Lorain, arrested and charged with possession of marijuana, possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia. Courtney Griffin, 28, 4900 block … Read more on Chronicle-Telegram