More UN States Quietly Say No to Drug War

More UN States Quietly Say No to Drug War
As early as 1993, Mexico told the U.N. General Assembly in a letter that because “consumption is the driving force that generates drug production and trafficking, the reduction in demand becomes the radical – albeit long-term– solution of the problem.”. Read more on Inter Press Service

Rubery man jailed for ten years over drugs and money
Albanian Ilir Vogli, 40, of Barrington Road, was charged with conspiracy to supply a class A drug, namely cocaine, and conspiracy to conceal, disguise, convert, transfer or remove criminal property. A total of 11 people were charged for their … Read more on Bromsgrove Standard

The Co-op Bank chief's drug-taking fuels a City stereotype
Despite being a habitual coke user myself during my stock market career, I was in a small minority who used the drug, and see no difference between the City and any other sectors of society in terms of substance abuse. Of course there was, and still is … Read more on The Guardian