How Does the Nasal Completely Erode Due to Cocaine Abuse?

Question by Blina: How does the nasal completely erode due to Cocaine abuse?
Surely sniffing something cannot lead to complete erosion..?

(by the way I have never tried, just curious)

Best answer:

Answer by Nathan Explosion
Snorting obrasive powder into a mucous cavity isn’t a great idea.

Answer by Sexy Homer
Thanks for that gross mental image. Now I’m stuck with it.

I suppose that cocaine kills cells. How else?

Animal models demonstrate that the net result of cocaine use is a balance of
On the other side of the cocaine high is the cocaine crash, and understanding how one follows the other can provide insight into the physiological effects of drug abuse. For decades, brain research has focused on the pleasurable effects of cocaine …
Read more on Medical Xpress

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